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又到了杀年猪做过年菜的時候了,吹豬肝、卷蹄、香肠,你们吃过吗?【滇西小哥】 – Web giá sỉ #1 Việt Nam

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又到了杀年猪做过年菜的時候了,吹豬肝、卷蹄、香肠,你们吃过吗?【滇西小哥】 – Thông tin giá sỉ mới nhất.


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How many of you have known me since the cured “blown” pig liver episode two years ago? We made that dish again this year.
This year, we butchered the annual pig in a hurry. My family and I worked till late night and managed to prepare all dishes for the lunar new year. We made not only hams, ribs, sausages, cured “blown” pig liver, but also stuffed trotters. Among all annual pig feast dishes, stuffed trotters require the most efforts. We will have to peel the skin of a trotter integrally to stuff lean meat inside, leaving no gaps at all. Then stitch the skin and tie with straw tightly to boil until cooked. Marinade the trotter for months and it will become chewy and spongy, which tastes like sour meat.

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#滇西小哥 #DianxiXiaoge #ĐiềnTâyTiểuCa

Bạn đang xem chủ đề 又到了杀年猪做过年菜的時候了,吹豬肝、卷蹄、香肠,你们吃过吗?【滇西小哥】, nếu bạn muốn xem thêm nhiều nơi bán hàng sỉ rẻ nhất Việt Nam thì bạn có thể xem thêm tại đây:

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滇西小哥,Ms Dianx,Điền Tây Tiểu Ca,雲南,雲南美食,鄉間美食,云南,云南美食,乡间美食,dianxixiaoge,年猪,过年菜,年菜,吹豬肝,卷蹄,香肠,火腿,排骨,弥渡卷蹄,过年

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Hình ảnh liên quan đế chủ đề 又到了杀年猪做过年菜的時候了,吹豬肝、卷蹄、香肠,你们吃过吗?【滇西小哥】

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23 thoughts on “又到了杀年猪做过年菜的時候了,吹豬肝、卷蹄、香肠,你们吃过吗?【滇西小哥】 – Web giá sỉ #1 Việt Nam”

  1. 我其实两年前就要拍卷蹄的,结果我一不留神,爷爷帮我把猪蹄卸了,一年前我也想拍,剥猪皮的时候被我划破了,今年终于……哎,做成了~
    Actually, I planed to cook stuffed trotters two years ago.
    But grandpa nicely chopped off trotters for me unnoticed that year. And last year, I scratched pork rinds accidentally. This year, finally… DONE

  2. สิ่งที่ให้มีความสุขทุกคลิปคือ ได้กินข้าวกันพร้อมหน้าพร้อมตานี่ละครับ. Nice Vdo. Fc from thailand. TY

  3. Mam….. Your culinary skills are excellent…. but also Share few recipes for vegan food lovers or of sheep / goat meat… For here in India most of the people are vegan food lovers.

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